
Brands / Emasku


EMASKU Pure Gold Products Have guaranteed material quality and best-in-class manufacturing processes, because products are produced with quality processes and materials that are in accordance with International Standard Organizations (ISO 9001: 2015) and Indonesian National Standards (SNI) so as to minimize the risk of quality defects.

Testing purity levels with high accuracy through testing the Inductively Coupled Plasma method in accordance with SNI 8880:2020 standards so as to guarantee the purity of EMASKU Pure Gold Products produced, which is 99.99%. The certificate of authenticity obtained when buying EMASKU products explains the weight, purity level, gold serial number and hologram sticker. There is a gold code in the form of a special serial number engraved on each physical product. The code or stamp characterizes the authenticity of EMASKU Pure Gold products. EMASKU Pure Gold products are made with lower environmental impact in mind with ISO Standard 14001:2015.

EMASKU Pure Gold product presents security innovation with support from SICPA, namely BullionProtect® where this technology eliminates the possibility of counterfeiting and other fraudulent actions. In emasKU BullionProtect® is equipped with an additional feature where the QR Code integrated with BullionProtect® can be scanned (scanned) and display the same gold code as the gold code engraved on the physical gold bar. The Pure Gold EMASKU product adds smaller gram variants, which are 125 grams and larger gram variants of 250 grams, 500 grams, and 1000 grams.
  • 1000 Gram
  • 500 Gram
  • 250 Gram
  • 125 Gram