About Us

Company Profile.

  • Who We Are
  • Vision And Mission
  • Our Values & Cultures

Tentang kami.

Selama lebih dari 20 tahun melalui produk perhiasan & emas batangan, PT. Hartadinata Abadi Tbk. (Hartadinata) hadir melayani masyarakat Indonesia melalui keindahan, inovasi dan pelayanan. Sebagai perusahaan terbuka (Tbk.) dengan kode emiten (HRTA), Hartadinata menjadi pionir di industri manufaktur perhiasan & emas batangan tanah air melalui filosofi “Dari Hati Untuk Keindahan Sejati”, yang mengedepankan komitmen untuk selalu memberikan yang terbaik tidak hanya bagi para pelanggannya, tetapi untuk seluruh para pemangku kepentingan Hartadinata.

Visi Perusahaan
Menjadi terdepan dalam hal kualitas dan design serta pelayanan yang mengutamakan kesempurnaan bagi kebaikan.
Misi Perusahaan
  • Menjadi perusahaan emas terdepan di Indonesia yang menawarkan produk perhiasan berkualitas dengan pelayanan optimal bagi kepuasan para pelanggannya.
  • Memberikann kontribusi bagi masyarakat melalui profesionalisme dan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan.

Company Profile

Company Profile
Overview of the current condition of the company PT Hartadinata Abadi, Tbk as a producer of jewelry and gold bullion in Indonesia which has been established for more than 20 years.

Our Values & Cultures

  • 1. Divinity
    The Godhead value symbolizes the main pillar that is highly respected in our company. This means that everything that is done is always based on God who is believed to be the source of all goodness.
  • 2. Humanity
    Our Company can be operate so far, of course because the contributions of each individual, namely every stakeholder that connected to it. By upholding humanity, we hope that it can create maximum contribution results in the future.
  • 3. Honesty
    Our company upholds the principle of honesty in carrying out business processes. This value is one of the keys to the company's success in maintaining internal and external trust, namely partners and consumers.
  • 4. Prosperity
    In activities that involve many parties in it, the company also guarantees that the company becomes a source of welfare that can guarantee every layer in it.
  • 5. Worthiness
    The company also shows this factor as one of its 5 very important main values, to have an impact on the environment through the good deeds that are carried out and realized in the company's corporate social responsibility (CSR) program.